My cousin is getting married!

Yes it's true, Marissa is my cousin. Growing up i adored playing house with this sweet and adorable little girl. I was the cool big cousin, and she was often times, my toy doll. She was who I babysat for first, and my little shadow for so many years. We lived next door to one another for many years, and being an only child myself, having her this close was the closest thing to a sister I would ever have.

Flash forward many many years... and her boyfriend pops the question! They live in a beautiful home which they bought together, and are creating a beautiful life together already. Everything you would hope and wish for someone you love to find, she has found in Brian. I met Brian for the first time ever during this shoot. Brian had hurt his hand badly that morning at work, and yet was such a trooper, toughing it out through the entire session, never once complaining. Turns out, he broke some bones and would be getting surgery on his hand the very next day! The entire session, he was so kind and polite not only to me, but to his fiance. Watching how he doted over her... was simply sweet and heart warming. These two will surely be the couple who's still together in 50 years, and he still loves her and looks at her as if he just met her.. with pure love and admiration.

We did their shoot in two locations, heart field and Wachusett Reservoir in Massachusetts. This was my first time at the reservoir... and man... those stairs! I one hundred percent made my steps that day. Aside from exercise, this location offered us dreamy spots for the session. Beautiful natural scenery, a fountain, tree archway and overall beautiful grounds. This location is loved by many photographers and I now know why. I look forward to more sessions there in the future.

Devotion. Love. Commitment.

This session solidified for my, my love of photographing couples. A single photo can showcase so much love, devotion, passion and heart. It renews my faith and hope in true and honest love. I believe in fairy tales, and I love watching them if even for a moment, in real life.